RAILA ODINGA’s lawyer PAUL MWANGI reveals the three things they will table at the Supreme Court to show RUTO never won the election.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, filed a petition at the Supreme Court on Monday, where he challenged the declaration of William Ruto as the President-Elect.

According to his lawyer Paul Mwangi, Raila tabled illegalities and irregularities that were committed during the presidential election held on August 9th this year.

Mwangi, who spoke to CNN’s Zein Asher on Monday, said the Azimio will table three things to show how the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) bungled the election and how the commission’s chairman, Wafula Chebukati, allowed rigging in favor of William Ruto.

The lawyer said Azimio’s legal team will table three strong arguments at the Supreme Court to push for the nullification of Ruto’s victory.

Here are the three strong arguments Paul Mwangi said Azimio will table at the apex court.

1. Usurpation of the role of the commission by the Chairman – Wafula Chebukati. According to Paul Mwangi, the Constitution is very clear that presidential and any other elections are run by the ‘COMMISSION’ as a whole. This means that a total of all seven commissioners are supposed to be engaged in the process. “Their take on every issue that arises informs what the Chairman comes to announce,” said Mwangi. In this election, Mwangi says that the Chairman ended up leading a minority of the commissioners with a majority rejecting the results he announced.

2. “Our second point is that this election was literally stage-managed,” said Mwangi, adding that the introduction of technology into election management has attracted many interferences. “Our opponents controlled the provider of the technology, they could receive the results and change them before posting them on the portal.”We shall prove that some documents were altered and new others added,” he said.

3. Lastly, Mwangi argued that the additional form 34A booklet that was printed by the IEBC appeared during the elections and was used to stage the results. Earlier, IEBC communicated that it had abandoned plans to print two form 34A’s booklets. Mwangi says the Commission went ahead and printed the booklet.

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