RUTO shocks the nation as he vows never to allow RAILA anywhere near State House if he wins the election – Look!

 Sunday, August 7, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto has pledged to have talks with his opponent, Raila Odinga, after the August 9 elections.

Speaking at Nyayo Stadium where he held his last rally ahead of the August 9 elections, Ruto said he is ready to discuss the role Raila will play as he serves in the Opposition.

The DP dismissed the possibility of having the type of Handshake Raila had with President Uhuru Kenyatta, saying there is a need to have a formidable Opposition to check on the government.

“My brother, I am ready to have a cup of tea with you after the August elections and agree on the role you will play. But I am not ready to the kind of arrangement you had with Uhuru five years ago that disrupted our government,” he said.

This comes even as Raila vowed to shake hands with Ruto whether he wins or loses Tuesday’s elections for the sake of Kenya.

“I want to assure Kenyans that I will continue with this handshake doctrine, the doctrine of unclenching the fist. For the sake of Kenya, I will shake the hand of my rivals and pay the political price if I have to,” Raila said while addressing his final rally at Kasarani.

“I will shake their hand if I win. And I will shake their hand if I don’t. And I will do it because I love Kenya more than I love Raila Amolo Odinga.”

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