See what confident MARTHA KARUA has promised to do to RUTO if RAILA becomes president after the vote tally?


Sunday, August 14, 2022 – Azimio presidential running mate, Martha Karua, has reiterated an earlier promise by her boss, Raila Odinga, that they will not oppress Deputy President William Ruto and his allies if they win the election.

Speaking during a meeting with Azimio’s newly-elected leaders at KICC on Saturday, Karua maintained that in their government, the Opposition will not be targeted but rather encouraged to hold the administration accountable.

“During the campaigns we promised to look after everyone including those opposed to what we stand for, recognizing that they are Kenyans,” she stated.

She stated that they are confident of a win and called for patience among their supporters as the tallying process continues.

According to Karua, if they had the capacity they would have called the elections in favor of Raila Odinga.

However, she assured Azimio leaders that they will wait for the official announcement by IEBC.

“There’s no way the tally can be against us. The forms were on the IEBC portal, we took copies and tallied them. We know where we are. If we had the power, by now, we would have called it for ourselves. But we will wait for that announcement,” Karua stated.

She urged the newly elected and re-elected leaders as well as those who lost to remain vigilant as the verification process continues at the Bomas of Kenya to avoid any manipulation.

“We have to jealously guard what is going on at Bomas to ensure that it is not infiltrated or corrupted in any way and that the numbers are put together as they are supposed to be,” she added.

“We have strength around the country. Kenyans gave us the opportunity and hence we have to serve all Kenyans, to build the spirit of one people and one nation. An all-inclusive government including those who were opposed to us.”

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