Senior Standard Media Group journalist reveals the next President after getting information from NIS and Senior IEBC officials – It is done and dusted.

 Saturday, 13 August 2022 – Senior Standard Media Group journalist Odeo Sirari has hinted at who will be officially announced as the 5th President of the Republic of Kenya.

According to Sirari, trusted sources from NIS, IEBC, and the Presidency have informed him that numbers are favoring Raila and he is likely to be announced as the winner.

The senior scribe noted that his sources rarely fail him.

“I have called all my sources within IEBC, NIS, the Presidency, and my media colleagues trying to establish exactly what is going on. All the answers point to one thing. That the numbers look favorable for Mr. Odinga. The sources I have called have never failed me,” he wrote.

Kenyans have been waiting for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to make the declaration of the results but the electoral body has urged Kenyans to be patient as verification of Form 34B from all the 291 Constituencies including diaspora continues.

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  1. The so called standard should be arrested for selling fear
