Shock as goons storm Panafric Hotel and attempt to attack IEBC lawyers preparing responses to RAILA ODINGA’s Presidential petition.

 Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – On Monday evening, an organised group of goons wielding crude weapons tried to gain entry into Panafric Hotel, Nairobi, where Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) lawyers were discussing the Supreme Court petition filed by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

The goons who were wearing black suits were intercepted by police as they tried to access the room where IEBC lawyers led by Peter Wanyama and Prof Githu Muigai were meeting to deliberate on the Supreme Court case.

“IEBC staff and legal team have been meeting at a Nairobi Hotel to effectively respond to these speculative petitions. A crowd of men attempted to enter the venue but were repulsed by policemen in 4 land cruisers. No matter what happens, heavy legal defenses will be prepared” Wanyama wrote on his Twitter page.

Raila Odinga on Monday filed a case at the Supreme Court where he challenged William Ruto’s victory.

IEBC is named as the respondent in the case and the Panafric Hotel meeting was to counter Raila’s accusation in the petition before the apex court.

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