Shock as it emerges that the two deported Venezuelans hacked the IEBC systems and tilted the votes in favor of RUTO.

 Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Even as the country prepares for a fierce legal battle at the Supreme Court over the just concluded General Election, it has emerged that the two controversial Venezuelans who were arrested at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) with IEBC materials had everything to do with President-elect William Ruto’s controversial win.

This was revealed by Raila Odinga’s running mate, Martha Karua, who claimed that the Venezuelans hacked the IEBC system and tilted votes in favour of Ruto.

Addressing Azimio supporters at the KICC, Karua stated the Venezuelans removed Raila’s votes and added to Ruto.

According to her, Kenya was held hostage by foreigners throughout the electoral period with an intention of making Ruto the president.

However, Karua assured Azimio adherents that victory will be on their side since they have presented a watertight case to the Supreme Court.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, who expressed his disappointment of how IEBC messed up Kenya’s election by granting foreigners access to their servers.

The two Venezuelans were jealously defended by IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati and Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza as contractors of the commission.

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