Shock as RAILA ODINGA‘s man, ABDULSWAMAD, is beaten badly in Mombasa gubernatorial poll – SONKO is a blessing to DP RUTO!


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 – ODM’s candidate in the Mombasa gubernatorial race, Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, could go home in August with President Uhuru Kenyatta if an opinion poll conducted by Mizani Africa is anything to go by.

According to the pollster, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate Hassan Omar will win the Mombasa governor seat with the support of 42.4 percent of the total votes cast.

Abdulswamad came second with 40.5 percent. William Kingi came third with 10.6 percent while 4.9 percent of Mombasa county voters still remain undecided.

1.6 percent refused to respond on whom they will vote for the governor in August.

The poll comes after former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko endorsed Hassan Omar after he was barred by the Supreme Court from vying for the seat.

Sonko has a big influence in Mombasa County and it may be the reason why the voters are supporting Hassan Omar’s candidature.

Here is the graphical representation of the Mombasa gubernatorial poll.

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