Something big is happening and RUTO doesn’t like it as UHURU’s Govt deploys a contingent of heavily armed GSUs to Rift Valley ahead of polls – Look!


Wednesday, August 3, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto is a man under siege. This is after the Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta deployed more heavily armed police officers in Rift Valley ahead of the August 9th General Election.

In a statement yesterday, Interior CS Fred Matiang’i announced the deployment of the General Service Unit (GSU) officers to beef up security in Nakuru, Eldoret, Kuresoi, and Molo areas ahead of the August 9 polls.

However, Ruto allies faulted a decision by Matiang’i to deploy more security officers in the DP’s stronghold.

Led by UDA Nakuru County gubernatorial candidate Susan Kihika, Ruto’s allies lashed out at the Interior boss, claiming that his directive would only cause panic in the region.

“Ridiculous! Matiangi’s goal is to create tension in Nakuru, which is peaceful. There is no justification for deploying General Service Unit (GSU) officers to Molo and Kuresoi,” Kihika claimed.

The outspoken Senator further accused Matiang’i of being used by the government to intimidate the residents in areas where UDA enjoys a massive following in a bid to stop them from exercising their civil right to vote on August 9.

She opined that deploying officers just because of the inflammatory leaflets circulating in the region – which the Kenya Kwanza brigade has sensationally linked to Matiang’i and PS Karanja Kibicho – was unnecessary.

“His intention is to suppress the vote in our strongholds. The same individuals behind the inciting leaflets are using them as an excuse to deploy GSU! Shameless!” Kihika ranted.

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