There was no rigging! MUTUA explains how RAILA ODINGA lost the election to President-Elect WILLIAM RUTO.


Friday, August 19, 2022 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance party leader, Raila Odinga, is now the opposition leader in Kenya after he lost the election to William Ruto of Kenya Kwanza Alliance, who is now the President-elect.

Raila, 77, has threatened to move to the Supreme Court to challenge Ruto’s victory, saying there were massive election irregularities and illegalities committed during the just concluded Presidential election.

Speaking on Friday, the Chief Executive of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), Ezekiel Mutua, said Raila Odinga lost the election because he was misled by the phony opinion polls that always put him ahead of Ruto.

Mutua also implied that the media became biased in their undertakings and forwent objectivity as they provided coverage of the happenings on the campaign trail.

 “Now our shameless media houses are falling over themselves trying to say the things we told them all along. They misled Baba with fake polls, were biased and compromised from top to bottom, and the majority failed in their role of accurate, objective and fair coverage of the election,” Mutua said.

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