Thugs confidently walk into a business premise in Lang’ata and rob two men at gunpoint – Was the guy in stripped rubber shoes part of the gang? (VIDEO).


Friday, August 5, 2022 – A CCTV footage has been shared on Twitter showing the moment armed thugs casually walked into a business premise in Lang’ata and robbed two men at gunpoint.

In the footage, two men are seen seated in what looks like a restaurant while browsing on their phones.

Moments later, the thugs walk into the premises and brandish a pistol.

A man who was seated near the entrance quickly surrenders and hands over his phone to the thugs.

They also take his car’s keys.

The other man donning stripped rubber shoes defies orders despite one of the thugs brandishing a pistol, leading to suspicion that he might have been part of the gang because he appeared calm and collected and continued browsing as if nothing had happened after the thugs left.

Another man was also robbed of his phone as he was coming out of the building.

Watch the footage and reactions.

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