Video emerges of DP RUTO crying like a child – Has he realised RAILA ODINGA will beat him badly?

 Tuesday, August 2, 2022 – With less than a week remaining to the August 9th election, a video clip has emerged of Deputy President William Ruto crying while praying at his Karen Home on Tuesday.

Ruto, who is the Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential candidate, had organized a special prayer breakfast meeting where several pastors and bishops were invited.

During the prayer meeting, Ruto was captured on camera crying like a baby as the pastor shouted prayers amid praise songs in the background.

Ruto, who addressed the gathering, said that his team was grateful as they had seen God’s hand throughout the journey.

He said though he is on the presidential ballot, he has endured and overcome many challenges on the way.

The second in command claimed that Kenya was facing a spiritual battle that could only be won through the prayers of those who believe.

Here is the video of Ruto crying like a child with less than a week remaining to the election.

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