Has RUTO sensed that Supreme Court will overturn his controversial win? See what DAVID NDII has said that has cleared all doubts!


Saturday, September 3, 2022 – It appears Raila Odinga’s Azimio presented a watertight case at the Supreme Court and adduced overwhelming evidence against IEBC if the statement by President-elect William Ruto’s ally and economist David Ndii is anything to go by.

According to Ndii, Raila stands a better chance of overturning Ruto’s win at the Supreme Court.

However, he said that Raila will lose more if the Supreme Court rules in his favor by overturning Ruto’s victory.

According to Ndii, if the Supreme Court of Kenya nullifies William Ruto’s presidential win, it will take up to 2027 for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to prepare for fresh elections.

Ndii, argues that Raila will not agree to take part in the repeat of presidential elections unless the electoral commission has been reconstituted.

According to him, Ruto will not be disadvantaged as he will still remain the Deputy President as Raila will go home.

“Azimio cultists wishing for rerun should contemplate the following scenario. Team opaque blocks it, deadline passes, constitutional limbo, Uhuru stays on until 2027, or revolution. 

“Here’s the irony. WSR remains DP, Raila will be at home crying over his beer,” David Ndii said in a Tweet.

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