Ignore the rumors! ODM lawmaker clears the air on the health condition of RAILA ODINGA after his latest photos left Kenyans talking!


Wednesday, September 9, 2022-An outspoken Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) lawmaker has cleared the air on the health condition of Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, who on Tuesday looked weak and frail.

While posing for a photo with outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday evening, Baba looked dull and had a bruised nose and one of his lips was swollen.

On Wednesday morning, Kileleshwa Ward MCA, Robert Alai, updated Kenyans on the health condition of the former Premier.

In his update, Alai said Raila Odinga is as fit as a butcher’s dog despite falling while disembarking from his car.

“Baba Raila Odinga didn’t have any medical challenges or those things you are thinking of. He had a small fall while disembarking from the car.

“He is very much ok though. He wishes all of you a good day and is upbeat and hopeful,” Alai stated on his Twitter page.

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