MUTAHI NGUNYI congratulates President WILLIAM RUTO for grabbing Power and not waiting to be given like RAILA ODINGA.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022 – Renowned political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has congratulated newly-elected President William Ruto for grabbing power from his predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta.

Ruto, 56, won the August 9th election after beating seasoned politician and Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, who emerged second in the election.

In a Twitter post on Tuesday, Mutahi, who was supporting Raila Odinga, congratulated Ruto for grabbing power and not waiting to be given power like Raila Odinga.

Mutahi also congratulated Kenyans for ending the election without any incident of violence.

All is WELL that ENDS well. This is a GREAT day for Kenya. The FOURTH peaceful transition without a SINGLE case of VIOLENCE. #Rutothe5th knew that POWER is not GIVEN. It is TAKEN. Hats OFF to the HUSTLER President,” Mutahi wrote on his Twitter page.

Mutahi is among hundreds of bloggers who had been hired by the ‘deep state’ to campaign for Raila Odinga, but they failed terribly after their project emerged second in the last month’s election.

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