RUTO’s promise to RAILA’s friend SK MACHARIA and his Royal Media Services that owns Citizen TV – You won’t believe this!


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 – President-elect William Ruto has assured Raila Odinga’s friend SK Macharia and his Royal Media Services (RMS), which owns Citizen TV and a chain of stations, that his administration will not pursue a personal vendetta.

Speaking to the media hours after the Supreme Court upheld his election victory on Monday, Ruto stated that RMS will be treated equally as other media houses during his reign.

RMS, which owns Citizen TV, is one of the media houses that had been accused of being biased by the Kenya Kwanza camp during the electioneering period. 

However, Ruto took a jab at RMS while fielding questions from journalists, wondering if its crew was present at the media briefing at his residence in Karen after fighting him.

“We can have the last question and by the way, where are my good friends from Citizen TV?”

“I want to promise you that you will be treated equally as other Kenyans. I know sometimes people think that people who fought against us will have a problem as we harbour grudges, but we don’t. We shall work together,” he stated.

Additionally, the president-elect also took a swipe at some of the Citizen TV journalists who had openly supported his opponent.

“I think it is a fair question. How is my good friend Stephen Letoo doing?” Ruto asked.

In a quick rejoinder, Letoo, a political reporter who hoped from county to county with the Azimio team during campaigns, told Ruto that he was available.

“I am here my good friend, Mr. President,” Letoo posted on his social media accounts.

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