Blow to Prophet OWOUR as his long-time partner and senior bishop Dr. PAUL ONJORO leaves his church – Claims he is fed up with the fake miracles?


Thursday, 27 October 2022 – A senior bishop at Repentance and Holiness Church run by controversial prophet David Owuor has left the church where he had served for decades.

Dr. Paul Onjoro is said to have fallen out with Prophet Owour after he questioned why he has been stage-managing miracles, especially the latest incident where he claimed to have cured several people of HIV.

According to trusted sources, the senior bishop has been at loggerheads with Prophet Owuor for some time and his departure from the controversial Holiness Ministry Church was lover overdue.

A congregant at Prophet Owuour’s church revealed that Bishop Onjoro was dedicated to serving God in truth and spirit, something that did not augur well with Owuor because he is notorious for stage-managing miracles to brainwash his followers.

“Dr. Paul Onjoro the only man I knew in the ministry of repentance and holiness with an apostolic anointing. His teachings and service were evident to all. He was the Senior archbishop under the ministry of repentance and holiness. Unfortunately, his visions and missions were curtailed. He fought untold warfare trying to accomplish what God had installed in His Heart.

His departure from repentance holiness ministry was long overdue. He has been planning to quit for a long time and His time has finally arrived,” the congregant wrote.

Bishop Onjoro is set to start his own church.

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  1. The writer does not know anything about Dr onjoro
