DENNIS ITUMBI recounts the last moments with RUTO’s 2 Indian friends before they were allegedly killed by UHURU’s DCI hitmen – Look!

 Saturday, October 22, 2022 – Two Indian nationals, Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan and Mohamed Zaid Sami Kidwai, alongside their driver, have been missing since early October 2022.

The duo was part of President William Ruto’s campaign team, which comprised digital strategist Dennis Itumbi.

Recounting his time with the two, Itumbi described Zaid as a cheerful and talented creative, while Ahmad was dedicated, adventurous and enjoyed all entertainment joints in the country.

“Two days before they returned home, I learnt that they had lost their phones during a night out.

“I wanted to laugh at them, so I went to a place where we used to meet but learnt that they had not been seen there too,” Itumbi stated.

Additionally, Itumbi divulged that he was to travel to India after the elections to visit the communication gurus.

He, however, lauded them for the extra work they did during the campaign and their vigorous participation in the various online groups.

“They paused whatever they were doing and did me a favour. At that time, they had over 1,000 pieces of creative content. A meme here, a video there, a box quote, and much more,” he added.

“Their eyes were primarily on enjoying Kenya as much as they could. When they sat down, they produced very appealing content,” Itumbi added.

According to Itumbi, Zaid had offered his services for free after being impressed by the online campaigns.

He linked their disappearance to the defunct Special Service Unit (SSU) previously attached to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), which President William Ruto has accused of killing innocent Kenyans. 

Nearly 21 members of the unit were grilled over the whereabouts of the Indians. 

However, some members urged investigative teams to focus on the unit leader who allegedly issued the orders.

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