His chest was almost ripped apart and lives with a metal lodged in his body – DCI celebrates a gallant detective who almost died in the line of duty (PHOTOs).



The Story of a Detective Who Almost Lost His Life While Arresting Terror Suspects.

As we commemorate this year’s Mashujaa Day celebrations, we remember individual police officers who have gone beyond the call of duty and placed their lives on the line in guaranteeing the safety and security of Kenyans. 

Some have lost their lives through their actions of bravely while others have lived to tell their stories which inspire us in the daily execution of our duties. 

In particular, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations celebrates a gallant detective who almost lost his life while arresting terror suspects. Multiple scars on his head and chest are a stark reminder of his near-tragic encounter with Al-Shabaab militia while he was posted in Kenya’s coastal city of Mombasa.

Corporal Robert Omwoha, who had been attached to DCI’s Anti-Terror Police Unit since 2003, almost paid the ultimate price when the terrorists he was pursuing, launched an attack.

On October 17, 2012, Omwoha and his colleagues were on the receiving end when

terrorists they had arrested at Likoni in Mombasa, hurled grenades at them, with the impact almost ripping his chest apart. 

One of his colleagues from the General Service Unit, unfortunately, lost his life in the attack, while Omwoha suffered head and chest injuries. As if that wasn’t enough, Omwoha once again got involved in a tragic accident 8 years later on March 10, 2020 while on duty, working at the ATPU office in Busia County. 

After the life-threatening encounters, he underwent multiple surgeries and got 250 stitches to rehabilitate him and bring him back to life. 

Doctors had told him that he had minimal chances of survival if the dangerous shards of metal were removed from his body. He was forced to live with the metals lodged in his body that is full of dark tracks of stitches and multiple scars that crisscross his arms, legs chest, and face. The officer now walks on crutches.

However, Omwoha feels like he has not fully given his services to the nation, and he does not regret ever joining the Police service. 

Omwoha’s story is one among many others of police officers who have been maimed while others have lost their lives as they provide public safety and security service to the people we serve. 

He is an inspiration to the thousands of selfless men and women in uniform who have dedicated their lives in the service of our country.

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