PHOTOs of the beautiful wife that IDA ODINGA’s bodyguard has left behind – Compare her with the woman he was fighting over when he was shot and killed.


Saturday, October 15, 2022 – Ida Odinga’s bodyguard Barack Otieno lost his precious life on Thursday night while fighting over a woman.

Otieno was reportedly accosted by Collins Okundi – a club manager – shortly after leaving an entertainment joint in Kisumu in the company of a woman.

 A scuffle ensued between the two, and in the process, the heavily-built club manager disarmed Ida’s bodyguard and shot him before fleeing.

Otieno was married to a stunning lady identified as Rein Okoth.

1) See her photos below.

2) Compare her with the woman her husband was shot and killed while fighting over.

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