President WILLIAM RUTO thanks former Head of Civil service JOSEPH KINYUA for doing a commendable job.

 Thursday, October 27, 2022 – President William Ruto has applauded former Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua over what he termed as ‘doing a commendable job of ensuring a smooth transition’

Speaking at State House, Nairobi on Thursday after witnessing the swearing of his Cabinet, Ruto said Kinyua has made the transition from the previous administration to the current in a manner that is commendable.

“Joseph Kinyua has made this transition seamless and I want to congratulate him, he has worked with me to make sure Kenya gives an example of what a transition looks like,” Ruto said.

“There was an election in Kenya, there was no coup, and because there was an election, it was a button to be handed over from one team to another, you made sure there was seamless working together between the cabinet that was there and the new cabinet,” Ruto added.

The Head of state also thanked the old cabinet for working with him in the little time they held office in his administration.

“I also want to congratulate the old cabinet because they worked with me to facilitate whatever it was that we needed to do and they have done so up to today,” he said.

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