The moment MCAs walked out on Meru Governor KAWIRA MWANGAZA during her inaugural address and left her to address an empty assembly – They are accusing her of being arrogant (VIDEO).

 Wednesday, October 19, 2022 – Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza was embarrassed after MCAs walked out during her inaugural address.

They walked out en masse and left the Governor to address an empty assembly.

They accused her of being arrogant and disrespectful.

Kawira has accused a local MP of sponsoring the MCAs to frustrate her.

She claimed that MCAs met at the home of the MP to plot how to fight her administration.

Majority Leader Evans Mawira confirmed their relationship with the governor was on the rocks.

“We have not established any working relationship with the governor because she has not been picking up my calls, and neither does she talk to the Speaker or minority leader,” he said.

Watch video.

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