Trouble for rogue police officers caught on camera harassing a motorist along a busy highway after the clip went viral – The power of social media is no joke (LOOK).


Thursday, 13 October 2022 – The National Police service has reacted to a video of police officers captured on camera harassing a motorist.

In a video clip circulating online, the patrol officers driving in a green car belonging to NTSA are seen blocking the way for a motorist driving a salon car.

The officers’ car is seen blocking the way for the car while pushing it outside the road despite the poor state of the terrain.

NPS condemned the incident through a statement after the video caused an uproar on social media and said the essence of traffic officers is to promote sanity on public roads.

“Attention of NPS is drawn to a clip in which a law enforcement patrol vehicle performing traffic duties is seen in a hot pursuit chase of a private saloon car.

 We acknowledge that the essence of road safety is to promote sanity and responsibility whilst on public roads, and this is a basic expectation placed on all motorists and road users, police included,” NPS said in a statement.

“As we continue to review the incident for corrective action, we condemn the irresponsible behaviour. Motorists are cautioned to at all times adhere to the rule of law to ensure their safety while on the road,” the statement added.

Watch the trending video.

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