Bizarre incident in Kirinyaga as 2 thieves surrender a stolen cow to a police station – Their hands were covered by a swarm of bees.


Sunday, 06 November 2022 – There was a bizarre incident in Kirinyaga after two suspected thieves walked into Makutano police station to surrender a stolen cow.

The suspects walked to the police station while covered by a swarm of bees.

They were screaming as the bees stung them.

A woman identified as Lillian Waithera had made a report at the station on November 3 after her cow was stolen.

Police called her to the station and she positively identified the cow as her own.

“This is my cow, and it was stolen two days ago,” she said after she found the cow tied to a tree at the station.

She told the police that she had decided to seek the services of a witch doctor to help her trace and find the cow.

The witch doctor was invited to the station to free the suspects from the spell.

Residents watched in disbelief as the witch doctor commanded the bees back into a bag he was carrying, before casually walking away.

The Area Chief Daniel Maina confirmed the incident and said the suspects had tried to sell the cow at Makutano market but did not find a buyer.

“I am told that the suspects had tried to sell the cow at the Makutano market, but did not find a buyer. That was before the bees shepherded them to the station where they surrendered the cow,” he said.

The suspects are being held at the Makutano police station.

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