Court orders striking Kenya Airways pilots to return to work by Wednesday morning

 Tuesday, November 8, 2022 – The Employment and Labour Relations Court has today ordered striking Kenya Airways pilots to resume work tomorrow Wednesday without conditions.

In a ruling delivered by Judge Anna Mwaure, the court told pilots to obey the law and return to work.

“I’m aware there is a grave industrial dispute here but a country exists because its subjects obey the law,” Justice Anna Mwaure said as she read her orders.

The orders followed hours of deliberations between the airline and the pilots that yielded no fruits.

The Kenya Airlines and Pilots Association, the 388-member strong of the pilots, had been summoned to show cause why it should not be punished for disobeying a court order.

The October 31 order issued by Justice James Rika required pilots to halt their strike.

However, Kalpa commenced its work boycott on Saturday, November 4 leading to the grounding of several planes that left thousands of passengers stranded.

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