Expect fuel prices to continue rising for the next 3 years as RUTO’s government does the unthinkable – Look! This is a betrayal of the highest order.

 Tuesday, November 8, 2022 – Kenyans will have to contend with high fuel prices for the next 3 years after the government of President William Ruto approved new tariffs that will see fuel prices increase every month for 3 years.

Ruto, through the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), approved new tariffs for oil marketers.

In the new tariffs, marketers evacuating fuel from the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) depot in Nairobi will be charged Ksh2,526.6 per cubic metre, up from Ksh2,074.5.

Currently, a litre of petrol retails at Sh178.30, diesel at Ksh163 and kerosene at Ksh146.94. But with the tariffs review, the cost is set to be passed to the consumers, thus increasing fuel prices.

According to financial experts, the new tariffs will affect fuel prices in the next three years.  

“The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority has reviewed and approved the applicable Kenya Pipeline Company’s multi-year pipeline transport tariff for the tariff control period 2022/2023-2024/2025,” EPRA Director General, Daniel Kiptoo, stated.

“The effective date of the above set of tariffs is October 15, 2022, and subsequent adjustments for the next tariff control period will be July 15 of every year,” EPRA added without revealing a new scheme that would be employed to standardise fuel prices in the country.

Defending the move to increase the depot tariffs, KPC argued that the extra money collected would help the company improve its structures.

This comes against the backdrop of the high cost of living brought about by increased fuel prices which Ruto had vowed to reduce immediately after he was sworn in, but as it turns out, things are getting much worse.

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