Face me like a man instead of punishing Luos because of me – RAILA now reprimands RUTO after skewed appointments.


 November 5, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has strongly criticized President William Ruto for discriminating against Luos in the distribution of positions in the government.

This follows Ruto’s move to appoint only a few Luos as CSs and PSs.

Speaking in Kigoto Suba during the opening of the Kigoto maize milling plant yesterday, Raila said it was wrong for the president to deny the people of Nyanza opportunities to serve in the Kenya Kwanza government because of his political differences with him.

The former PM instead dared the Head of State to face him directly instead of starving his people of government opportunities.

“You cannot deny Nyanza people opportunities in the government because you have a problem with Raila. If it is Raila, come for me directly. Leave the Nyanza people alone,” Raila said.

While a section of Kenya Kwanza allies praised the list released by the President for consideration and approval by the National Assembly, a section of Kenyans and supporters of ODM leader Raila Odinga have expressed their dissatisfactions over what they term as ‘regional, ethical and gender imbalance.’

According to the list, President Ruto’s Rift Valley and DP Rigathi Gachagua’s Mt Kenya region was the major beneficiary, bagging almost 50 percent of the slots.

For instance, out of the 51 PSs named by the president, thirteen of the nominees came from President Ruto’s Rift Valley region while 11 others are from Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s vote-rich Mt Kenya region.

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