Famine is getting out of hand as President RUTO’s wife, RACHEL, now runs back to hustlers for help – Look!


Tuesday, November 15, 2022 – First Lady Rachel Ruto has run back to Kenyans for help with regard to the ongoing famine that is ravaging the country.

Speaking at the Ignite Impact Marathon Conference, in Mombasa, Rachel urged the Church and faith-based organizations to support efforts by President William Ruto’s Government to address the famine in the country.

She noted that the current drought being witnessed in some parts of Africa, Kenya included, needed the entire society to come together.

“Kenya is facing the worst drought we have seen in a generation. We need to come together and address it as one,” said Mrs Ruto.

Ignite Impact Marathon is a conference that brings together religious leaders from 12 African countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Burundi, Chad, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.

The First Lady called on churches and development partners to work to improve the lives of the people through social and economic community development programs.

Other speakers included Articas Kenya Limited CEO Solomon Kitema, Samchi Group Limited Esther Muchemi, and Tenwek hospital-based surgeon Dr. Keith Dindi.

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