Hii ni mara yake ya tatu kubeba vitu – Luo man cries out after his cheating wife wiped his house clean (PHOTOs).

Tuesday, 01 November 2022 
– Upcoming Luo
musician Peter Ochieng alias, P Odiero, is crying foul after his wife wiped his house clean last month and escaped.

Ochieng revealed that this is the third time his wife is doing the same act.

“Bibi alihepa na kila kitu kwangu last month. Hii ilikuwa mara yake ya tatu kubeba vitu,” Ochieng said and shared photos of his empty house.

According to the 38-year-old musician who works at a carwash in Nairobi, he has been having endless wrangles with his wife over infidelity.

He has caught her several times cheating and forgiven her but she is yet to change her ways.

Ochieng said that he has even paid dowry for his cheating wife.

“Huwa unapatia mtu nafasi ya pili na ya tatu. Ni mtu nimepeleka mahari kwao. Nimebaki zero. Nilichunguza na nikajua alienda Kawangware. Ni vile staki kumfwatilia. Amenirudisha nyuma kweli,” he said.

The upcoming musician said he  is looking for a promoter to support his music career so that he can be financially stable.

“Mimi ni mwanamuziki. Ngoma zangu ziko Youtube. Nikipata promoter wa kunisaidia, nitafurahi kwa sababu nitaweza kujisaidia,” he added.

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