I will sue EACC for linking me to Sh 131 million scandal involving JIRONGO and ATWOLI – DAVID MURATHE says.


Friday, November 4, 2022 – Former Jubilee Party Vice chairman, David Murathe, has threatened to sue the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) for linking him to a corruption deal worth Sh 131 million.

Addressing the press on Thursday, Murathe, who is a close ally of former President Uhuru Kenyatta, said EACC summon is a diversionary tactic and he will sue them to the last coin for trying to tarnish his good name.

“This is diversionary. It actually borders on harassment. I think I’m entitled to take the EACC to court,” Murathe said

While accepting that he received KSh 25 million from Cyrus Jirongo, Murathe maintained the transaction between him and Jirongo was part of a debt payoff.

“I am not involved in Jirongo and County transactions. I just said he owed me money, and he paid me. Where he got his money from is none of my problems,” he said.

Jirongo is accused of tricking the Nairobi county government into compensating him millions over a 2.5-acre piece of land in Nairobi’s Mukuru kwa Reuben area, a property it already owned.

According to EACC investigations, Jirongo was paid through his firm Kuza Farms before wiring Sh 131 million to six prominent individuals.

The six individuals are Central Organisation of Trade Union(COTU) boss, Francis Atwoli who received Sh 60 million, Murathe (Sh 25 million) Pan-African Parliament MP representing South Sudan Albino Abuog (Sh38 million), former Vihiga senator George Khaniri (Sh 5 million) and former National Assembly Speaker Kenneth Marende (Sh3 million).

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