I would have reduced the cost of living, unga and fuel by now had you elected me – RAILA now tells hustlers as he rejects RUTO’s new plans to make life difficult for the poor


Friday, November 4, 2022 – Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has vehemently opposed the proposal by President William Ruto to maximize tax collection and increase contribution rates by individual Kenyans towards the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). 

Addressing the press yesterday, Raila, who was flanked by Azimio co-principals, stated that the increment would be an additional burden to the ordinary citizen.

He said that taxpayers had been affected by the high cost of living due to inflated prices of basic commodities. 

“We are particularly concerned about UDA’s plan to inflict more tax burdens on Kenyans and other pronouncements and promises made in recent days that are unrealistic,” Raila stated.

“Kenyans cannot afford and should not be asked to pay extra taxes for the UDA regime to realize their outlandish and unrealistic promises,” he added. 

The former Prime Minister stated that Azimio was committed and prepared to honour its campaign promises without increasing taxes, had it won the election.  

Raila further rubbished remarks by the Kenya Kwanza administration leaders stating that they inherited a dilapidated economy. 

He affirmed that the state of the economy should not be used as the scapegoat for increasing taxes. According to the Orange Democratic Movement Party Leader, the NARC government under the leadership of the late former President Mwai Kibaki turned around Kenya’s economy without increasing taxation rates. 

Raila also cited the period after the 2008 post-election violence when the Grand Coalition Government achieved accelerated growth of the economy without raising taxes. 

The statement by Raila came amid intensified calls by President Ruto to enhance Kenya’s ability to raise funds for its expenditure as opposed to the usual borrowing craze. 

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