KALONZO MUSYOKA is a real watermelon – See the Job he is begging from President WILLIAM RUTO.

 Monday, November 7, 2022 – Barely a month after declaring that he cannot accept a job offer from President William Ruto, former Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka appears to have changed his stance as he now seriously wants a job.

Speaking on Monday, Kalonzo who is also the Wiper Democratic Movement party leader, asked Ruto to give him the job of distributing relief food to areas affected by drought.

Last month, Ruto told Kitui County residents that he offered a job to Kalonzo but he refused and said he better remain in the opposition.

“I want you to know that I have looked for Stephen, sat down with him…told him ‘here is the government, let us work together’ he told me he wants to try opposition first. So, let him try opposition first then we see where he gets, then we can talk later. There is no problem, even opposition is work, it also helps us to move Kenya forward,” Ruto said.

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