KAWIRA MWANGAZA vows to work with former MCAs to neutralise current MCAs.


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – Meru County Governor, Kawira Mwangaza has vowed to work with former MCAs to neutralise the current MCAs.

On Monday, Mwangaza toured Kiangua in Igoji West and said she will work with former MCA aspirant Casty Micheni to bring development to the ward.

“I will not stop delivering development to the people of Igoji West simply because your MCA does not want to work with the governor,” Mwangaza said.

She appointed Michenia as the county executive in charge of Youth, Sports, Gender, and Social Development.

Meru MCAs have given up on their demand for ward funds after a meeting with the Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o last week.

Nyakang’o said that the ward fund is not anchored in the constitution.

The MCAs said they have left all the burden of development to Governor Mwangaza.

“All the differences we were having in Meru will come to an end because the governor said she will take care of everything, she will go to residents and identify all the projects they need,” Meru speaker Ayub Bundi said.

Bundi said that Meru residents should question the governor if they have any issues on development projects.

“If the roads are bad or they want classrooms and lights on the streets they should call the governor,” Bundi said.

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