Kenyans up in arms as President RUTO donates a plane full of foodstuffs to Somalia as Turkanas eat wild fruits just to survive – Look!


November 4, 2022 – Kenyans are up in arms against President William Ruto after he sent a military plane full of foodstuffs to neighbouring Somalia instead of donating the same food to dying Kenyans.

In a statement yesterday, the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), explained that the donation was emergency food sent to aid residents who were attacked in Mogadishu.

Somalia’s capital city suffered multiple bombings orchestrated by the Al Shabaab militant group. Reports indicated that 125 people died, with over 300 injured.

Speaking while flagging off the plane at the Embakasi Commandant VIP wing, Colonel Victor Kang’ethe, pointed out that KDF was privileged to be allowed to deliver the relief assistance donated by Kenyans.

“We feel the pain that our brothers and sisters in Somalia are feeling and we are grateful to President William Ruto for this initiative which will help alleviate the suffering of our neighbours,” Kang’ethe stated.

The consignment included assorted food items such as corned beef, dry potatoes, onions, bread, carrots, and mixed vegetables from the KDF Food Processing Factory.

“Moreover, the package contained assorted drugs from the KDF Directorate of Medical Services set for redistribution to Somali hospitals attending to the victims,” Kang’ethe’s statement read in part.

The shipment was received by Somal Minister for Health Dr. Alihaji Abubakar, his Minister Information counterpart Daudi Awess and Kenya’s ambassador to Somalia, Thomas Chepkuto, at the Aden Abdulle airport.

“We thank President Ruto for responding positively and urgently to the call for assistance by our President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, noting that the closeness between the two nations is crucial in the pursuit of peace and security in Somalia,” Awess added. 

However, the move has not gone down well with Kenyans who accused Ruto of doing international PR stunts at the expense of dying Kenyans.

They held that it was wrong for Ruto to send food to Somalia while people are dying in Kenya due to drought while others have even resorted to eating wild fruits just to survive.

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