Nairobi MCAs storm Supreme Court over parking space


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – A section of Nairobi County MCAs has stormed Supreme Court in Nairobi over parking space.

The MCAs, led by their house leadership, had assembled at the parking lot as early as 9.00 am.

The MCAs had vowed to hold demonstrations if the apex court doesn’t allow them to utilize the space.

In a motion moved by Kilimani MCA Moses Ogeto last week, the legislators vowed not to let go of the parking lot that they have been using since 2013.

Majority leader Peter Imwatok said the county government allocated the assembly the land which they use as a parking lot.

Stamping authority, County Assembly Speaker Ken Ng’ondi said the property belongs to the assembly.

“As the Nairobi city county assembly we believe this is our property in line with the constitution and laws of the land,” he said.

Ng’ondi who was in the company of the Chief officer for land Stephen Mwangi displayed documents to show the property belonged to the county.

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