President WILLIAM RUTO unveils his PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES – Here is the full list – KALENJINs have taken over!

 Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – President William Ruto has today unveiled a list of 51 Principal Secretaries who will assist Cabinet Secretaries in implementing the Kenya Kwanza Alliance manifesto.

The 51 lucky Kenyans are a mixture of Ruto loyalists and a few technocrats.

In terms of regional balance, the Kalenjin Community got the lion’s share of the PS slots with almost 70 percent being members from Ruto‘s tribe.

Here is the full list of 51 Principal Secretaries who have been nominated by Ruto.         

1. Julius Korir – State Department for Cabinet Affairs

2. Teresia Mbaika Malokwe – State Department for Devolution

3. Esther Ngero – State Department for Performance and Delivery Management

4. Aurelia Rono- State Department for Parliamentary Affairs

5. Raymond Omollo – State Department for Interior and National Administration

6. Caroline Nyawira Murage – State Department for Correctional Services

7. Julius Bitok – State Department for Citizen Services

8. Chris Kiptoo – The National Treasury

9. James Mulati – State Department for Economic Planning

10. Patrick Mariro – Defence

11. Korir Sing’oei – State Department for Foreign Affairs

12 Roseline Njogu – State Department for Diaspora Affairs

13. Amos Gathecha – State Department for Public Service

14. Veronica Mueni Nduva – State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action

15. Joseph Mungai Mbugua – State Department for Roads

16. Mohamed Dhagar – State Department for Transport

17. Nixon Korir – State Department for Land and Physical Planning

18. Charles Hinga – State Department for Housing and Urban Development

19. Joel Arumonyang – State Department for Public Works

20. Edward Kisiang’ani – State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunication

21. John Kipchumba Tanui – ICT and The Digital Economy

22. Peter Tum – State Department for Medical Services

23. Josephine Mburu – State Department for Health Standards and Professional Management

24. Belio Kipsang – State Department for Basic Education

25. Esther Thaara Muhoria – State Department for TVET

26. Beatrice Inyangala – State Department for Higher Education and Research

27. Philip Kello Harsan – State Department for Crop Department

28. Harry Kimutai – State Department for Livestock Development

29. Alfred K’Ombundo – State Department for Trade

30. Abubakar Hassan – State Department for Investment Promotion

31. Juma Mukhwana – State Department for Industry

32. Patrick Kiburi Kilemi – State Department for Cooperatives

33. Susan Mangeni- State Department for MSMEs Development

34. Ismail Madey -State Department for Youth Affairs

35. Jonathan Mueke- State Department for Sport and The Arts

36. Festus Ngeno -State Department for Environment

37. Ephantus Kimotho- State Department for Forestry

38. John Ololtuaa- State Department for Tourism Sylvia

39. Naseya Muhoro- State Department for Wildlife

40. Ummy Mohammed Bashir -State Department for Culture and Heritage

41. Paul Ronoh- State Department for Water and Sanitation

42. Gitonga Mugambi -State Department Irrigation

43. Alex Wachira State Department for Energy

44. Mohamed Liban -State Department for Petroleum

45. Geoffrey Kaituko -State Department for Labour and Skills Development

46. Joseph Mugoi Mutavi- State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs

47. Abdi Dubart- State Department for East African Community Affairs

48. Idris Dogota -State Department for The ASALs and Regional Development

49. Elijah Mwangi -State Department for Mining

50. Betsy Muthoni Njagi -State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries

51. Shadrack Mwadime -State Department for Shipping and Maritime Affairs.

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