RAILA is a conman that’s why he will never be president – KALONZO’s man FARAHA MAALIM drops a bombshell on why RUTO beat BABA.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022 – The wrangles within Raila Odinga’s Azimio are nearing implosion as coalescing parties continue to mount pressure against ODM. 

Weighing in on infighting in Azimio, Wiper Deputy Party Leader Farah Maalim spelt doom for the Raila-led coalition, saying will not make it to the 2027 General Election due to deceit and betrayal from the top brass.

Speaking during an interview, Maalim accused Raila of not having the interests of Kenyans at heart when vying for the presidency.

According to him, Raila is only seeking selfish gains as opposed to the country’s overall interest. 

“I kept wondering throughout this process, what is Raila Odinga looking for in this contest? Is he looking to become president or something else, the impression you get is he is either looking for money or other resources or other things, look at what Ruto is doing…,” Maalim stated.

“Why did we lose? We had the same problem in 2007, 2013, 2017 and now 2022, in all these our agents were not paid, which means somebody who had the money did not pay, are you going for this race to become president of this country?” he paused.

In addition, he accused Raila of not throwing his weight behind politicians who forfeited their interest to support his bid.

“I think we are not only imploding; my honest assessment is within a short period of time there will be no Azimio, how do you explain a whole Secretary General of a party, who is out of his seat because he joined Azimio, Kioni and Kanini Kega would be in parliament today if they were in Kenya Kwanza,” he stated.

“You need to seriously be out there sacrificing for such people and then Kioni gets 19 votes, if he lost by 80 or 90 votes, he would have gone down fighting, how do you explain the secretary general of Jubilee who supported Raila’s presidency getting such votes,” he added.

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