RAILA shows RUTO and Judiciary the middle finger as he appoints a renowned thief JOHN WALUKE to PSC despite serving a jail time of 67 years.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has defied President William Ruto and the Judiciary after he appointed Sirisia MP John Waluke to the lucrative Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) despite being in prison serving a 67-year jail time.

Raila exuded confidence in the jailed Sirisia MP, saying he will deliver despite being in prison.

Waluke was listed alongside Nyamira Senator Okong’o Omogeni (ODM) and Mavoko MP Patrick Makau (Wiper) in Azimio’s list. 

Despite serving a 67-year sentence, the MP received the major backing of Raila and former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party. 

While speaking at a burial in Kakamega on Monday, Raila urged the Judiciary to release Waluke, who he lamented was of old age and jailing him for 67 years was unfair. 

“How can you condemn a 55-year-old to 67 years imprisonment? That is akin to jailing Raila for 50 years, is that fair? We want Waluke to be granted bond immediately,” the former Prime Minister demanded. 

Waluke, a few days before making it to the list, was confident of securing a seat in PSC chaired by the National Speaker, Moses Wetangula. 

If his nomination sails through, Waluke will be tasked with ensuring Parliament’s efficient and effective running, constituting offices in the parliamentary service and appointing and supervising office holders.

In the Kenya Kwanza Alliance, UDA fronted MPs Faith Gitau (Nyandarua) and Mohamed Ali (Nyali) from the National Assembly and Senators Joyce Korir (nominated) and John Kinyua (Laikipia).

Waluke was jailed for 67 years with an alternative fine of Sh1 billion for stealing Sh297 million from NCPB.

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