Renowned economist Dr. DAVID NDII rejects RUTO’s idea of taxing everyone – This is not what hustlers were fighting for!


Monday, November 11, 2022 – Renowned economist, Dr. David Ndii, has joined millions of Kenyans in rejecting a proposal by President William Ruto to tax everyone.

Last month, Ruto said his government will come out with a plan of ensuring everyone who attains the age of 18 years pays government tax.

“We need to pay taxes so that we can get resources for development projects and also be able to repay the debt that we have as a country,” Ruto said.

However, Ndii who is President William Ruto’s economic advisor rejected his boss’s idea saying it is not workable.

He also admitted that it is good to have universal health care for all, basic education for all, and universal social security for all but rejected universal taxation.

Universal basic education? Yes! Universal health care? Absolutely! Universal social security? Halleluyah! Universal suffrage? But of course! Universal tax registration? NO WAY! No, no, no. expenditure corruption fiscal monetary Keynesian abujubujubuju,” Ndii wrote on his Twitter page.

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