RUTO finally speaks on UDA’s clandestine plans to extend his presidential term beyond 2032 – You won’t believe what he said


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 – President William Ruto has vehemently denied any plans by his allies to extend his presidential term beyond 2032.

In a statement on Tuesday, Ruto, through his United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party, dispelled reports that it was planning to remove the two-term five-year presidential term limit.

UDA distanced itself from the claims made by Fafi Member of Parliament Salah Yakub purporting that the party was working towards removing the presidential term limit and making Ruto a lifetime president.

The party maintained that it was keen to help Ruto deliver his campaign pledges and nothing more.

“Remarks by Fafi MP Salah Yakub that there are plans to extend term limits for the President are a product of a fertile imagination by the legislator. UDA distances itself from the utterances by the MP.”

“The Party has not been part of discussions in regard to term limits. The Party is busy implementing The Plan and will not be part of sideshows,” UDA stated.

Yakub had allegedly indicated that UDA was planning to table a constitutional amendment Bill to replace the two-term limit with an age limit of 75 years. 

The amendments would allow President William Ruto to rule for 20 years since he is 55 years old.

According to reports, the plan to change the presidential term limit was hatched at a private closed-door meeting.

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