RUTO may be forced to appoint Cabinet Secretaries afresh after what happened yesterday – Look! Someone does not like the new Cabinet at all.

 Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – President William Ruto may be forced to appoint new Cabinet Secretaries.

This is after former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s sympathizer vowed to move to court to challenge some of the appointees in Ruto’s cabinet.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Lawyer Danstan Omari protested the appointment of Water Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome and her Treasury counterpart Njuguna Ndung’u.

Omari argued that it was unfair for a single constituency to produce two Cabinet Secretaries out of the 22 leaving 289 constituencies with only 20 slots to share.

“I’ve very firm instructions I’ll be heading to court. In the history of this country, we have had two Cabinet Secretaries from one constituency. Waziri for finance and CS for Water. The question Kenyans should be asking is; out of 290 constituencies, one constituency produces two Cabinet Secretaries. Is that the face of the Republic?” Omari posed.

While casting doubt on the regional representation in William Ruto’s cabinet, Omari stated that the cabinet does not represent the face of Kenyans as promised during the August 9, presidential campaigns.

Omari termed Ruto’s move of appointing two Cabinet Secretaries from one constituency while other counties do not have even one minister as ‘biasness’.

“The head of state is the head of state for everybody in this country. What does that tell Kenyans? That this is not your government and that is why Raila Odinga is saying no taxation without representation. This is a very serious issue,” added Omari.

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