See what Gatundu residents are now doing to their starving children even after voting for RUTO to punish UHURU?


Thursday, November 10, 2022 – Disturbing news has emerged from Kiambu County amid the biting drought that has left millions across the country starving to death due to hunger.

According to a recent report, families in Gatundu South, Kiambu County, have resorted to drastic measures to cheat hunger.

This is after it emerged that the families have been intoxicating their children to keep them in bed for a long time due to a lack of food.

A village elder revealed that many children have not been attending school due to the biting hunger, with many families struggling to put food on the table.

“This is a very disturbing situation, and we need urgent intervention to improve the situation before we lose a generation just because we struggle to put food on the table,” reported the village elder Peter Weru Kimani.

Surprisingly, Gatundu South voted overwhelmingly for President William Ruto just to punish their son, Uhuru Kenyatta, who hails from the constituency.

And while they continue intoxicating their children due to lack of food, Ruto is busy diverting relief food meant for them to Somalia.

The President sent a military plane full of food meant for the starving Kenyans to Somalia instead of distributing it to the local populace who are in dire need of it.

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