Shock as it emerges that CJ MARTHA KOOME has refused to hire judges after the interviews – Look! Something is seriously wrong.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022 – The Judicial Service Commission (JSC), which is chaired by Chief Justice Martha Koome, is on the spot for delaying the release of names of successful candidates who were interviewed to be judges.

The names were to be announced on November 18 according to the law but JSC has remained mum on the matter.

JSC announced 20 vacancies for high court judges on March 24, 2022, in a bid to address the biting shortage and speed up the hearing and determination of cases.

Under Chapter 10 of the Kenyan Constitution (2010), Chief Justice through a Gazette notice must announce the vacancy of a high court judge within 14 days after a position arises.

The JSC is also required to publish a notice on its own website, send notice of the vacancy to the Law Society of Kenya and any other lawyers’ professional associations, and circulate the notice in any other appropriate manner.

After adhering to the above constitutional requirements, JSC shortlisted 104 successful applicants.

Notable candidates who were shortlisted included President of Kenya Magistrate and Judges Association Derrick Kuto, Magistrates Representative to JSC Emily Ominde, Anti-Corruption court Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti, Lawrence Mugambi, and Elizabeth Juma.

Chief Magistrates Francis Andayi and magistrates Achieng’ Pamela, Adika Harrison Musa Sajide, Ambasi Lucy Njeri, and Ameyo Edna Asachi Nyaloti were also among the notable candidates shortlisted.

The lot was interviewed from October 3, 2022, to November 3, and going by the constitutional guidelines, JSC should have held its vote on November 10 and announced successful candidates on November 18, but it is yet to do it, begging the question, what is really happening?

The JSC had in the past accused former president Uhuru Kenyatta of not appointing judges.

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