Stop joking and give us the real SGR contract as you promised – MIGUNA MIGUNA now goes after KIPCHUMBA MURKOMEN.


Thursday, November 10, 2022 – Lawyer Miguna Miguna has taken a dig at Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen for joking with Kenyans with regard to the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) contract.

This is after Murkomen shared what he purported to be the SGR contract.

In a statement, Miguna told Murkomen to fulfill his promise to Kenyans without any further delay. 

Murkomen had promised to make public the highly secretive standard gauge railway (SGR) contract during his vetting. 

However, despite the promise, Murkomen posted only three-front pages of the agreement but not the commercial contract he had promised.

Miguna now wants the Transport CS to deliver the commercial contract as promised to Kenyans 

“My friend Kipchumba Murkomen must fulfill his undertaking to Kenyans. No excuses. No gimmicks,” he stated. 

A section of the public raised more questions with lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi saying Murkomen had shared the SGR agreements, not the contract. 

On his part, Lawyer Donald Kipkorir termed what Murkomen had shared hot air.

“True disclosure of SGR contracts are those of management and commission involving Kenya Railways, China Road and Bridge Corporation and Africa Star Railway Operations Company. These are the contracts where billions went to … other contracts are red-herrings and hot air,” Kipkorir stated. 

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