The dramatic moment an irate businesswoman confronted Trade CS MOSES KURIA over the mitumba ban during a meeting – They almost exchanged blows (VIDEO).


Thursday, 10 November 2022 – Trade Investment and Industry Cabinet Secretary, Moses Kuria,  was forced to halt his speech during a meeting with manufacturers after he was confronted by an angry businesswoman.

The woman opposed Kuria’s decision to do away with mitumba imports.

She warned that such a move would leave many Kenyans jobless, adding that the CS was out of touch with common mwananchi.

She interjected when Kuria was addressing the manufacturers and said it was an ill-advised proposal.

Kuria exchanged bitter words with the said businesswoman, prompting  Industrialisation  PS Kirimi Kaberia to intervene.

However, Kaberia’s attempts to intervene were met with resistance as the lady continued to rant.

Watch the video.

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