This is why RAILA now wants RUTO to surrender 20% shares the government holds in Mumia Sugar – Bado Mapambano!

 Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – It appears former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has started endearing himself to the Luhya nation after his defeat in the last election if his latest move is anything to go by.

In a bid to woo Luhyas on his side again, Raila has opened a battle front with the Government of President William Ruto over the troubled Mumias Sugar Company.

He now wants Ruto to surrender 20 percent shares that the government holds in Mumias Sugar Company to the County Government.

Speaking during the burial of the mother of Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa on Monday, Raila said that the move will ease the operations of the company.

The former Prime Minister further claimed that if the government surrendered the shareholding, it would enable locals to start growing sugarcane.

“Government should surrender its 20% shareholding in Mumias Sugar Company to the County Government of Kakamega to ease the operations of the company and also enable locals to start growing sugarcane,” Raila stated.

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