US President JOE BIDEN praises President RUTO and terms him a world-class leader for doing this.

 Saturday, November 5, 2022 – United States President, Joe Biden has praised President William Ruto who is only two months in office.

Speaking on Friday, Biden through the United States Foreign Secretary, Antony Blinken, praised Ruto for Kenya’s role in the truce inked by the Ethiopian government and Tigray forces on Thursday for a permanent cessation of hostilities.

Blinken said he had called Dr. Ruto on Thursday evening to “congratulate him for his government’s role in advancing peace in northern Ethiopia,” according to Ned Price, the state department’s spokesperson.

Mr. Blinken also applauded “President Ruto’s leadership to advance East African Community-led talks to ease tensions in eastern DRC”.

Ruto sent former President Uhuru Kenyatta to Pretoria to initiate talks between the Tigray forces and the Ethiopian government.

Uhuru urged the two warring factions that violence, bullets, and guns will not be the solution to solving issues in Ethiopia.

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