We will never allow RUTO to turn into MUSEVENI on our watch, we will fight him to the bitter end – RAILA’s man EDWIN SIFUNA says.


Friday, November 11, 2022 – Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has promised President William Ruto a fight for the ages should he attempt to change the constitution to remove the presidential term limit like Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

This follows a suggestion by Fafi MP Salah Yakub during a relief food distribution drive in Garissa County over the weekend, where he claimed UDA MPs were mulling extending President William Ruto’s term beyond 2032 for the sake of the country.

“I, together with some of my fellow MPs, are planning to push a Bill in Parliament that contests the two terms of serving as president,” the MP said.

Chiming into the matter which has since attracted harsh criticism, Senator Sifuna said Kenyans will firmly fight against Yakub’s nefarious plan to scrap the two-term-presidential limit and cap the age limit for running for the seat at 75.

He opined that Kenyans will not allow such a repeal from the legislator and his team.

The Raila Odinga-allied Senator instead urged leaders to avoid creating distractions and focus on the nationwide drought crisis which is in dire need of mitigation.

“We want to assure them that if indeed there is such a scheme Kenyans will resist because we have been there before and we have no intention of going that way, so that if anybody was testing the waters let them know that those waters are not very friendly to such thinking,” he said.

“Let us not be distracted, even as we speak today Kenyans are still suffering, there is a very serious food shortage and people are sleeping hungry,” he added.

UDA has since distanced itself from MP fafi’s claims terming them as “a product of the legislator’s fertile imagination”.

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