CHERERA 4 should be sent to prison for trying to burn the country – You won’t believe who they met immediately after their presser disputing RUTO’s victory


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – Prison is beckoning for the embattled former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera and three other commissioners.

This is after it emerged that the four met with Raila Odinga’s Azimio top leaders immediately after their infamous presser at Serena Hotel that almost burnt the country, according to the new evidence tabled before Justice Aggrey Muchelule’s tribunal. 

In the evidence, the four, Cherera, Francis Wanderi, Justus Nyangaya and Irene Masit, were booked into an exclusive apartment in Kilimani after holding the press conference.

The beleaguered Cherera four were alleged to have signed in as tenants, after declining to share their details with the apartment management. 

“At 8:36 pm on August 15, four guests accompanied by their bodyguards and other individuals arrived and checked in,” read the evidence in part.

Reports alleged that the three apartments were paid for on August 16 by an Azimio politician. 

The apartment management also claimed that the commissioners received top brass Azimio visitors immediately after checking in.

Among those alleged to have visited the apartments included former Jubilee Party Secretary Genera Raphael Tuju and KANU’s Nick Salat. 

Tuju was alleged to have visited the apartments minutes after the four commissioners checked in and stayed at the apartments from 9:54 pm to 10:41 pm. 

Additionally, the former Jubilee SG was alleged to have visited the apartments the following day and visited a separate room, spending more than one hour.

The Cherera four are under investigation over allegations that they attempted to subvert the people’s will in the August 9 polls.

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