I can die any time – Kenyan lady cries for help after she was sold as a SLAVE at a remote place in Syria by a rogue local agent, shares a heartbreaking video.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 – A video of a young Kenyan lady named Muthoni crying for help after being sold as a slave in a foreign country has surfaced on Tiktok.

Muthoni says she is in a remote place in the hills of Damascus, Syria, where she slaves for her masters without pay.

A rogue local agent lured her with a job opportunity in the foreign country, not knowing that she was being sold to work as a slave.

The agent has since cut communication and blocked her.

In the heartbreaking video, Muthoni shows the mountains where her family should look for her if they never hear from her anymore.

She says her masters beat her without any reason and they have reportedly told her that she will never go back to her motherland.

She shared the video on Tiktok and wrote, “That feeling when you’re sold in an unknown country, alafu agent anakublock. Sijai heal when I tried to seek help elsewhere he just told me, tunawaambiaga msiende uko na hamskii.

“Can’t type the reason but ipo siku..it’s now 7 months, Kuchapwa nayo nimezoea adi..they beat you without reason just telling them you won’t work for free to their houses.

They told me no one can help me get back to my country..am in a dilemma their words are becoming true. Usipite hii..aki Mungu nipiganie na Kenyans, Syria is not the best place to be for real..we go through a lot!

Muthoni is now asking for help to be brought back home.

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