Mtukome or else…IDA ODINGA now threatens politicians who ate her food and dumped RAILA after the August loss.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s wife, Ida Odinga, has warned politicians who fell out with her husband against insulting her family.

Speaking during a thanksgiving prayer service organised by Homa Bay Woman Representative Joyce Osogo in Radiro village in Homa Bay Town, she accused some of the critics of abandoning them in their hour of need.

According to Ida, some of the politicians spent time at her house before the election but have now turned against her family after they lost.

“They would wake up and have breakfast, lunch and supper at my house and spend the whole day at my office. They are now thankless and talking as if they did not benefit from my family,” she said.

Mrs. Odinga who said she was standing in for her husband who is on a foreign trip argued that such statements are meant to seek sympathy mainly from the government.

According to her, it is an unprofessional means to look for job opportunities from the state.

She said using social media to castigate the ODM leader will not add value to one’s career.

“Making noise on Facebook with intentions of seeking state recognition will not be possible,” Mrs. Odinga said.

She said such leaders should not be supported in their future political quests.

She told the group to look for alternative engagements that can keep them busy.

Mrs. Odinga accused the politicians of trying to make history by being the ones who led to the downfall of the Odinga family.

She defended her husband who has been at the centre of focus in his fifth-time loss at the presidential race.

She said the ODM leader should not be blamed for the outcome of the poll and faulted politicians who have been castigating her family after the former prime minister was beaten by President William Ruto.

Some politicians from Nyanza have been speaking ill about the Odinga family while accusing the Orange party leader of wasting the best chance he had of becoming Kenya’s fifth president.

Among them is former Lake Basin Development Authority chairman Odoyo Owidi, former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa and former Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma, who resigned from ODM soon after the party leader lost.

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